Friday, May 20, 2011

Shauna Sand Lamas domestic violence

Shauna Sand Arrested for Domestic Violence, Macing Husband
Shauna Sand, Lorenzo Lamas’ ex wife, was arrested last night after getting into an argument with her husband, Laurent Homburger, and attacking him. She’s been booked for domestic abuse, it has emerged.

The 36-year-old former Playboy bunny and glamour model got into a fight with her 25-year-old husband, and it escalated so fast that neighbors were forced to call the cops.

The dispute began shortly after midnight, and police made arrests in the early hours of the morning. Laurent has also been arrested, TMZ reports.

“Beverly Hills cops were called to Shauna’s home just before midnight, after someone called and reported a fight at her home,” says the e-zine.

“Shauna was arrested on a charge of felony domestic violence after cops noticed visible marks on her husband, Laurent Homburger. Homburger was arrested on two charges – spousal battery and making criminal threats,” TMZ adds.

Both were taken to the police station, where they were booked and had bail set. Shauna got out on bail some hours later, but he husband didn’t.
At the time the TMZ report came out, he was still in jail.

Reports online suggest that Shauna was so afraid for her own safety that she tried to flee from Laurent by locking herself in the bedroom.

He kicked the door in, which is when Shauna Maced him. No word yet on how he sustained the injuries that led to Shauna’s arrest.

Similarly, no one seems to know what the two were fighting about with such violence, especially since they haven’t been married for that long.

Shauna and Lorenzo Lamas, her first husband, were married for 6 years and have 3 daughters together. She was also married to Romain Chavent.

In light of Sand’s arrest and the details of the fight that led to it, Lamas is now trying to strip her of the custody of the children and has reportedly already taken the necessary legal steps for it.